Find out how to print a custom printed tag in 7 steps.

1. Design Your Tag:The first step in building anything great is in the design. Your tag is the master touch of your brand. Take time to look at some of our templates, get inspired and make something incredible!

general tag logo sample

2. Organize Your Content: The placement of sizes and your company name are key. Be creative and feel free to switch things up. For those of you selling shirts after they are printed, please note that certain content is mandatory.

3. Approve the Tag Mockup:  Our designers will send you a mock up reviewing tag placement and styling. Once you approve the tag mockup, your shirt will be queued for printing.

t-shirt tag mockup

4. Remove the Tag: The tags in your shirts will be carefully removed by a team of seamstresses.

5. Print the Tag; Inks are tested, screens are printed and then a tag printing press runs the shirts, masterfully placing each tag.

t-shirt on tag screen printing press

6. Dry the Shirt:The shirts are then run through the dryer. Each one is reviewed by our finishing team to assure quality and consistency.

t-shirts being folded

7. Ship Your Order: Shortly after drying, all the shirts are gently packed away and shipped to you directly.

boxes of t-shirts

Your story rules. Add another detail to share it even better. Get tags now.

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