Free shirts have successfully made their way into the culture of companies. But why? There are many reasons, but five stand out to us the most.

four people screen printing

1. Everyone Enjoys a Practical Gift: Companies understand the value of a gift. Great companies understand the value of a practical one. High quality custom shirts are one of the best practical gifts you can give. They provide immediate value and lasting impact. It is important to note, with the huge amount of shirts flooding the market, consumers are desperate for high quality shirts. The reason Real Thread continues growing is because we work with people who see this day in and day out. Fully realize your investment by ordering super soft, high quality shirts.

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2. Shirts Unite Culture: The primary impact of free shirts hits your company first. Your employees, co-workers and volunteers spend a huge portion of their life investing into what your organization is doing. Shirts unite the culture visually and tangibly. It gives reference for who is on the team and “who can join the team”. A high quality, super soft custom shirt reinforces that value of the efforts of the employees.

man walking with ba

3. Individuals Trust Brands: Long standing social structures and economies are in the midst of disruption. As the world continues to change, individuals are increasingly putting their trust in brands that provide the best innovations in their field. Shirts give those brand trusters the opportunity to share the story, necessity and service of the brand to others. This is one of the most powerful ways to proliferate word-of-mouth referrals.

black Lineage shirts on screen printing press

4. Shirts Communicate Value: The service your organization provides is valuable to your community. While some people may be able to feel the impact of that service physically, many can’t. A quality shirt gives individuals a physical and lasting representation of your brands value. Every time they don the shirt, they are reminded of their experience with you and the emotional connection they have to your organization.

woman and child holding a shirt

5. Shirts are for All People: With the advent of social media, companies are now appealing to consumers on a global level. Finding ways to connect with such a broad audience can prove difficult. Few things cross cultural, economic and gender boundaries as much as a shirt does. Your team’s investment in a quality custom shirt has a lasting impact for all people.

You are doing something amazing. Let us help share that story. Create your very own custom shirt today!

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