Although we’re nearing September, it’s not too late to start planning your hoodie orders. However, to ensure your customers, employees, fans, etc. will not freeze, we’ve put together a list of 7 FREE zip-up and pullover hoodie/sweatshirt templates - flat and modeled styles - so you can speed up the process and get new gear in their hands right away! 

1. American Apparel 5495 Modeled

dark gray hoodie

2. American Apparel 5495 Flat

black hoodie flat lay

3. American Apparel 5497 Modeled 

man modeling navy hoodie

4. American Apparel 5497 Flat 

flat  lay of navy hoodie

5. American Apparel TRT 497 Modeled 

man wearing green zip up jacket

6. American Apparel TRT 497 Flat

green zip up hoodie flat lay

7. American Apparel 5454 Modeled 

man with long hair with navy sweater

Although, these are all American Apparel templates - we highly recommend other quality brands like Next Level and Canvas Apparel.  They offer a variety of outerwear and fleece. 

If you’re looking for any other templates to help in the process of planning your next design, check our blog to help get you started!

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